We went to our neighborhood breakfast and were served omelets, texas toast, watermelon and juice and milk. The kids all made matching 4th of July celebration shirts, stamped with original stamps made from pasta and fabric paint.
Aren't they cute??
Another thing we did was take everyone minus a few men (Bart, Grandpa and Hayden) and went to the DI. Everyone likes to go on this treasure hunt, grandma usually finds dishes to add to her collection and the young boys found AWSOME toy guns and the little girls added to their ever growing stuffed animal collections. I think Adrienne may have won with the most original and nostalgic item . . . a Saved By The Bell board game for $1.00. It only took 3 vans and a couple of hours for this adventure.
Baseball in the park is always fun, mostly laughing at the moms and helping the kids hit the ball. Thanks Bart for making sure everyone felt like the star of the team.
Well there you have it, a little snippet of what's been going on around here. The only thing that would have made the time perfect was if Jessica, Blake, Lisa, Abby, Lauren and Berg could have come. Maybe next year???
Looks like fun. I am more than ready for some peace and quiet. Does this even exist?
I love it when family gets together. I am looking forward to Labor Day and hope everyone can come this year. Miss you and Love you KRIS
So glad you got to go home and play with your family! Look how cute those kids are. Are you getting ready for school? I'd be a bit nervous! But, not you of course.
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