Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of School Blues

OK, I am back in school after my very long break, NOT. I had myself ready to go, backpack loaded, notebooks labeled and pencils sharpened. My first class was math and I started this semester with a can do attitude. Then ... it rained and not just a little summer shower, it rained a lot and it is still raining. You know your in trouble when you come home to have a hot shower and the HOT is just warm and you are soaked through your jacket, shirt and bra. I hope this is not a sign for the upcoming semester. Blues skies ahead, right?!


Lisa said...

Oh Miss Shauna you are just, love, the face! Keep plugging away at the school thing, you are doing awesome...math and all!

deerhollow said...

Here's looking to a warm, sunny fall :)