Thursday, March 12, 2009

When I grow up

The other night we had a neighborhood talent night, filled with culinary art, wood working, paintings, drawings, songs, juggling, poetry, a fabulous blues number and so much more. For me I couldn't stop staring at the above boxes and quilts. They speak to my soul and I know the women who have created them, they are both great-grandmothers, well respected by the community and I am often awed by them. The boxes are completely hand made. I have made a few and want to make many more. The quilts are treasures, the blue and yellow one is made with real 20's and 30's fabrics, not reproductions.

I hope I will let myself take time to create and feed my soul, because dishes, laundry and vacuuming doesn't seem to be doing it for me!!!


Small House said...

What a great night!! I can see why you loved the boxes and quilts. Absolutely beautiful. We need a box making night!!! My house 2 weeks :)

Have a great day.

Shauna said...

If your serious I will be there!

deerhollow said...

My soul is hungry, too!!
It was a great night. Only thing missing was your lovely voice!!